We offer an
articulated roster
of services to meet your family
health needs.

In-Hours and Out of Hours Clinic

The clinic offers both the routine daytime clinic hours as well as evening clinics on some days of the week including occasional weekend clinics. Kindly contact the reception/ admin staff to book an appointment or book directly online.

Joint and Soft Tissue Injection

Joint and Soft Tissue Injection The clinic offers joint and soft tissue injections for many musculoskeletal conditions. Non-clinic or walk-in pa,ent can also access this service with a referral from their family doctor. Shoulder injection (USS and Xray results required as part of the referral), Knee injection (Xray required), Carpal Tunnel Injection, Trigger finger injection among others are offered at the clinic. Minor operations such as cyst removal, etc are also offered.

Uninsured and Third-Party Services

Various services not typically covered by OHIP are offered by the clinic such as sick note, driver’s medical, lawyer’s or insurance forms, attending physician statement.

International and Self Paying Clients

We understand the importance of regular health check up. This helps individuals to optimize their health and pick up potentially serious health problems early on, which can then be managed better. The clinic is open to seeing self paying patients to ensure timely and comprehensive healthcare is available to all.